Degree Course ApplicationThank you so much for your prayers. Every aspect of our application has now been accepted by the Universities' Council and we are at the final hurdle - an inspection of the premises. We have been told to start promoting the degree course for next year which is a very positive sign.
Please pray that the inspection would take place quickly and give us the final seal of approval we need.
Visit to Yatnata CommunityOn November 18th, Sam makes her final visit to the indigenous community of Yatnata where we hope to collect traditional Enxet songs, stories and games from the community to incorporate into their preschool programme next year.
The Paraguayan Ministry of Education is now interested in our work amongst the Indians. They have invited FEISA to apply for government funds to set up a contextualized Toy Library in Yatnata. They would like to monitor our work and learn from us. There is nothing like filling in a government application to test your patience to the limit! We wait to see if our project is approved.
Please pray that the community would bring plenty of ideas to share and that the trip would be a positive experience for everyone, including the Ministry of Education who have asked to accompany us!
Publicity and PromotionPlease pray for Rup has he prepares the budget for next year and coordinates all the publicity and promotion for FEISA for 2007. We need to be attracting 25 students for the teaching diploma course and 20 for the degree course.