Sunday, October 07, 2007

FEISA produces first Bible materials for children in Enxet

We asked you to pray for an indian translator for the educational materials we are producing for Enxet speaking indigenous communities. The Lord provided an excellent translator called Remigio who has turned out to be a gifted teacher as well! (Photo 1) In September we were thrilled to launch the Bible materials we have been producing on The Creation Story. These consist of Bible stories, songs, flashcards specially designed for the indigenous context, prayers, activities and lesson plans all in Enxet (photo 2). They are the first of their kind for Enxet children.

We trained Remigio how to use the materials once he had translated them. Then he taught them to an indigenous Preschool class, training the teacher in their use at the same time (photos 3 and 4). We were delighted to see the enthusiastic response of the children and the effectiveness of the Bible materials. 10 other communities have heard about the project and have asked for the training and materials for their children. We hope to do this next year.

Please pray for wisdom and the resources to extend this project to other communities. We also hope to produce further Bible materials based on the life and miracles of Jesus next year.

October News 2007

Emergency Prayer for Paraguay
The unusually long period of drought that has hit Paraguay is having disasterous effects on the whole country. Fires have caused the destruction of 1 million hectares of forest and farmland and left over 40,000 families without food. Many have lost their homes and the fires are still raging in the Chaco. (Photo 1)

The severe water shortage is causing illness and difficulty in finding food amongst hundreds of people in indigenous communities. There is now a petrol and gas crisis as Paraguay's principal river is too low to allow large ships to bring oil in. This has resulted in fewer buses running, which is the chief mode of transport for the majority of Paraguayans. There is also a milk shortage brought on by the drought and fires. All this has lead to rising fuel and food prices which Paraguayans are barely able to afford.
Please pray for abundant rain in the whole country and for the speedy provision of fuel and other necessary resources.

We were delighted to receive a visit from David and Ann Varley - the chief fundraiser for the Mobile Play Scheme vehicle - in August. (Photos 2 and 3 with vehicle and FEISA staff and students.) FEISA students were deeply moved when Ann told them what people in the UK are doing to raise money to enable to them all to have high quality, affordable teacher training and to benefit needy children in Paraguay through their teaching and FEISA's social projects.

We were all particulary amused by the following sign David discovered in the men's toilet in a Paraguayan restaurant! (Photo 4)

In September Sam's Mum and her partner Tony came to visit and we had a great time travelling around Paraguay as well as visiting some of FEISA's social projects. (Photos 5 and 6 in the Chaco and at the mobile play scheme)

Children's Day
August 16th is Children's Day in Paraguay and FEISA ran a mobile play scheme for 50 children from Asuncion's largest shanty town. Here we discovered Rup's mistaken vocation working with spreadsheets! (Photos 7 and 8)

Other indigenous projects
Sam encountered her first baby crocodile on a recent visit to the Chaco (photo 9). After I attempted to kiss it, an indigenous lady showed me a deep scratch she had just received from the innocent looking reptile!

Please pray for us as we finalise our literacy, preschool and nutrition and health projects in November and as we begin our project with the Ministry of Education to set up an indigenous play scheme in the community of Yatnata and train the mums to run it.