Our last mobile play scheme of the year was for children with Aids who have been abandonded by their parents. The couple who run the home wanted to do something special for their children as an end of year celebration and said this was the answer to their prayers. This year over 1800 children from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds have had the opportunity to experience the joy of learning through play through FEISA's play scheme.

7 month old David was handed over to the home by his mother, who has full blown Aids and lives on the street. With the care and hugely expensive medication he is receiving to prevent Aids developing, the doctors say his future is very hopeful.

Thanksgiving service for graduating students. Each is given a rose as a symbol that they should be the aroma of Christ to the children they teach.

Rup with Pastor Augustin at the Thanksgiving service.

Graduation. FEISA's top students from 2006 and 2007. This year 13 students graduated bringing the total to 75 since FEISA began.

Andrea graduated second in her class and has been offered a job teaching in a Christian school in Oxford in 2008. She hopes to bring back all she learns to enrich her teaching in Paraguay and our curriculum in FEISA.

Rup with his admin team at the Christmas staff meal.