FEISA has been faced with huge financial challenges this year. As a result, in July the new Bishop of Paraguay implemented a restructuring of FEISA and various people sadly had to be made redundant. His intention is to reduce the dependence on external funding and enable FEISA to be more locally sustainable. This reduced dependence gives more autonomy to the local leadership by reducing expatriate influence. Though painful, this has been a positive move for FEISA and has given it the best chance of surviving.
Please pray for the Lord to comfort all those who have been made redundant and to help them find new jobs after August. Also pray for the new leaders of FEISA, Ana and Gloria, that the Lord would give them wisdom and grace in all the difficult decisions they need to make.
We have also been affected by these changes. Rup is planning to complete the 2009 financial accounts and train a local accountant to take over in 2010.
Sam's role as Coordinator of Social Programmes ended with the restructuring (all social programmes closed down for lack of funds), so she has now left FEISA feeling the Lord leading her into new areas of ministry which she began to explore earlier this year. (Blog entry to follow)
We thank God for the privilege of being involved in such a life changing ministry and for the amazing people we have worked with, learnt from and developed lasting friendships with during our time in FEISA. (Photos 1 and 2, Rup and Sam with staff and friends from FEISA. Photo 3, the inspirational team of UK volunteers who have faithfully supported FEISA over the years.)

The future after FEISA? We shall write more about this in our next blog!
Please pray for Rup as he completes the 2009 accounts and trains a local accountant and for the new areas of ministry that the Lord is leading us both into.
Thank you so much for your very valued prayers, love and support.