Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Toy Library goes to Argentina

We were very excited though rather daunted to be invited to do a workshop on the Toy Library at the ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) conference in Santa Fe, Argentina from 7th-10th September.

Four of us went - Fiona, Ana, Samantha and Noemi.(Photo 1) We arrived with furry teeth in a rather dishevelled state on Friday morning after a 14 hour overnight bus journey with lots of loud snoring and very little sleep. Travelling on a bus with 8 suitcases full of toys is quite a challenge!

Our 2 workshops were well received and it was great fun to watch the Director of ACSI Latin America (photo 2) and participating teachers (photo 3) return to their childhood days and play enthusiastically in the Toy Library. The difficult part was removing them! Many said they hoped to start a Toy Library in their school.

We even had time to do some sightseeing along the beautiful river front of Santa Fe before our 14 hour bus journey back to Asuncion. (Photo 4)

We had many hair-raising moments with power cuts, broken powerpoint projectors and technical hiccups but we experienced the Lord´s faithfulness in a wonderful way. Thank you for your prayers.


Fiona L Cooper said...

well, I think it sounds great; a trip to foreign parts and a chance to play like kids! Surprised you came back!!

erase said...

Well done Sam! Glad it went well although the transport sounds like a nightmare! The picture of the suited man with the train set is priceless. Clare x (borrowing Phil's identity!)

Stephen Trew - www.thetrews.com said...

Great looking website. We look forward to hearing how things are going in between times of having your for dinner!